Akai Professional MPC Workflow Training on Udemy

Complete Guide to Akai Professional MPC Workflow

Complete Guide to Akai Professional MPC Workflow is now available on Udemy. You can CLICK HERE to access the course and dive into the world of music production.

The course was recorded using MPC Live 2, but the same workflow applies to almost all of the other MPC devices, such as the MPC One, MPC One+, MPC Live, MPC X, MPC X Special Edition, MPC Touch, etc.

Advanced Akai MPC Workflow Guide

Advanced Akai MPC Workflow Guide is now available on Udemy. You can CLICK HERE to access the course. 

The course was recorded using MPC Live 2 and MPC X Special Edition, but the same workflow applies to almost all of the other MPC devices, such as the MPC One, MPC One+, MPC Live, MPC X, MPC Touch, etc.